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Anti-bullying Platinum Award

7th September 2016

With the Academy only being amalgamated for a short while it has been a prestigious honour for everyone when we were awarded the Platinum award for Anti-bullying, a Cyber Bullying award and first place out of the whole of Sunderland for an award for the Academy that has contributed the most to its community. We would also like to thank to our partner who helped us with the essay.

Our Anti-bullying coordinator Dave Foley has worked extremely hard with his team to ensure that bullying is tackled head on within The New Bridge Academy to ensure that not only our students feel safe and happy, but parents and our community know what we are about.

We have a drop in centre every Wednesday between 3:15pm and 3:45pm so that we can offer a welcoming and inclusive environment. Our centre provides the opportunity for people to ‘be themselves’ in a comfortable and safe setting where they can be open about their circumstances safe in the knowledge that they are amongst a caring team who will endeavour to give them the correct advice and guidance.

The Lord Mayor of Sunderland paid a visit to our academy and was delighted with the progress and efforts that we are displaying to combat bullying, presenting the students with the platinum award.


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