SMSC & British Values

SMSC across the Curriculum

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural)  is an integral part of the curriculum at New Bridge Academy. It is woven into the teaching and learning of all of our curriculum subjects. You can see how it is integrated in to each subject by taking a look at this document. In this category, you will also be able to familiarize yourself with the recommendations and requirements that students use when writing essays, term papers, and storiesю For their implementation, students can use a essay title generator . Since they are provided with constant support from teachers and proven providers of educational services.

SMSC Across the Curriculum


To provide outstanding education and support for young people with special educational needs.


• British Values

We ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of the school. All curriculum areas provide a vehicle for furthering understanding of these concepts and, in particular, our PSHE lessons provide excellent opportunities to deepen and develop understanding.

• Inclusivity and Equality

Ascent is an inclusive Trust, the skills and experience of staff are valued and utilised in striving for excellence. No groups are discriminated against. We value each person equally whilst being mindful of the needs of the whole Trust.

• Continuous Learning

We value our staff and will invest in them to provide them with the necessary training and support in order that the aims of the Trust can be met. We embrace and celebrate continuous learning and create a culture where all learning is valued. All staff are given the opportunity to make the most of their potential through fair and open access to training. We are committed to the most efficient and effective use of resources to support training needs. We recognise that staff support pupils with complex needs and we therefore strive to meet their health and well-being needs.

Guiding Principles

• Learning and Curriculum

The provision of the highest quality teaching is of paramount importance. Pupils need to experience a wide range of motivating and challenging, well-pitched learning opportunities. Teacher expertise will identify barriers to learning and plan ways to overcome these. There is a belief that all pupils can succeed whatever their individual circumstances.

• Leadership

We will provide an environment in which everyone is encouraged and supported to develop leadership and management competencies. This will enable Ascent to maximise the talent within the trust and plan for succession. We will review the progress made by the Trust against the organisation’s overall investment. We will challenge any under-performance.

• Collaboration and Partnership

The Trust is committed to the development of education practice by maximising collaboration across all academies within the trust. We will use wider partnerships, such as parents, multi-disciplinary teams, community links, teaching schools and businesses to enhance provision.